Tuesday, October 30, 2012

they look at me with amusement

[In my writing about Jesus and Lao Tzu, a triad necessarily exists: my consciousness state, the consciousness state of Jesus as implied by his sayings (Christ consciousness), the consciousness state of Lao Tzu as implied by his sayings (Tao consciousness). I find that as I sit and contemplate each of the two, a distinct personality of awareness forms for each. My role is to introduce them to each other within my own being. We merge while remaining distinct.]

Jesus, Lao Tzu, and I sit here together. They have twinkles in their eyes and merry hearts. They laugh sweetly at my desire to comment on their words. They do not comment on mine so how could I have such presumption?

"Because you are a sump pump," says Lao Tzu. We all three chortle at his word play. "You wish to pump in wisdom from beyond."

"The wisdom is here and walks among us. If we but have eyes to see and ears to hear." says Jesus.

I love these two. What greater friends could one have?

They look at me with amusement. We shall see what unfolds.


  1. love your insight, George

  2. The same master is speaking at different nows or points in time. The forms are not what is important so much as the essence that flows out. Or, to use the terminology of Bablyon 5, all three of you are the One.
