Friday, November 16, 2012

cradle and all

Colors blind the eye.
Sounds deafen the ear.
Flavors numb the taste.
Thoughts weaken the mind.
Desires wither the heart.

The Master observes the world
but trusts his inner vision.
He allows things to come and go.
His heart is as open as the sky.
-- Stephen Mitchell, Chapter 12, Tao Te Ching

"I have to go to sleep," I said, yawning.

"We'll tell you a bedtime story," said Jesus.

"Once upon a time there was a glass of water that thought it was the glass," said Lao Tzu.

"Once upon a time there was a wound that thought it was its dressing," said Jesus.

"Once upon a time there was an open heart that knew no bounds," said Lao Tzu.

"When the body drops, who are you?" said Jesus.

"Hey! That's my line!" said Lao Tzu.

"You woke him back up," said Jesus.

"That's our job," said Lao Tzu.

They threw the covers off me and left the room.


  1. these are real, and digestable. this makes sense to me. the messages make sense. AND plain crack me up! i see wonderful illustrations, like a children's comic book. this is hysterical great stuph.
    thx, geo.

  2. Love starting my morning with this wisdom. Thank you George. Jamie M.

  3. "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." ~ A Course in Miracles
